April 22, 2015

Trials and Triumphs

I have felt the blessings of heaven in my life.
I know that Heavenly Father loves me. 
Why then do I still have to face challenges? 

Many times I have heard the phrase, "why do bad things happen to good people?"

When I heard that I used to just shrug it off, saying that bad things happen regardless of whether you are good or bad, and it is all part of the tests of life. 
I always felt solid in that answer. That I never needed to question why bad things happened, because it was all a part of a greater plan.

Until the day when I heard myself asking Heavenly Father why I was going through a particular trial. 
I had done what I was supposed to.
I had faith. 
I knew that I had a loving Heavenly Father, and my Saviour Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost to help me. 
I was on the path. 
I was staying strong. 

So why then was I struggling?

Now I don't feel any particular need to divulge all the trials I've gone through in my life.
But I have not been without trials.
I have had times where I have doubted.
I have had times when I have been afraid. 
I have had times where I have cried and begged to be released from the struggles I faced.
I have had moments when I wanted to give up...

But I haven't. 
And I won't.

The trials I have faced have always led to something. 
Whether it was an occasion for me to learn a principle I hadn't yet had the opportunity to understand, or whether what I learned going through that trial ended up helping someone else. 
There was always a purpose. 
And I have faith and believe that there is always a purpose. 

There are days when I have felt it would be easier to leave the church.
When I felt my life would be so much better without that responsibility.
There are days when I want to scream and curse and cry.
And there are days when I just want to run away from it all. 

But here is what I know to be true. 
I know I have a Heavenly home.
I know I have Heavenly Parents and a family made up of all humanity. 
I know I am loved beyond what my mortal mind can ever comprehend.
I know I have a Saviour and Redeemer in Jesus Christ, who has felt all my pain. 
Who has endured every trial I have ever gone through and will ever go through.

I know that He lives.
I know that He loves me.
I know that He is my big brother and the love and feelings of protection I feel over my own siblings, to the point that I would do anything for them, is nothing compared to the love He feels for me. 
The love He feels for everyone. 
I know that.

Ever since I was little I have understood that this life can't be it. 
That this life isn't it. 
There is more.
We came from somewhere, and we are going somewhere.
That there is more to life than simply surviving.
We are here to thrive, to grow, to learn and to experience. 

So while I continue, daily, to struggle.
While there are always trials to face and mountains to climb. 
I know that it will all be worth it in the end.
Because this,
This is nowhere near the end of my story.
And as hard as your trials may be for you, this isn't the end of your story either. 

So join me, as I continue to paint by faith. 

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