April 3, 2015


So I am at the airport this afternoon/evening/possibly the rest of my life.
It is General Conference this weekend and I am so excited for it.
Especially since I will be there with my family!
But before I get to Salt Lake I have 8 hours of waiting at airports to finish, plus the actual flying part.
So SLC I will see you at midnight!
As I've been waiting I wrote this poem...
Because I have nothing better to do.

She sat in the airport for hours on end
Wishing and praying that she’d find a friend,
The wifi was awful and her kindle was broke
A person to talk to was her only hope,
But nobody stopped and the world kept on spinning
Resolutely she waited,
As the sun began waning…

Still she sat and she sat as her cocoa turned cold,
And smiled at the passer-bys just hoping they’d slow
But their speeds kept increasing as they whipped right on by
To catch a plane,
To find their families,
Yet she continued to try,

And she would open her mouth,
As they turned their heads,
Or mutely whisper “hello”
While they instead,
Put in their headphones or shut their eyes,

So little to anyone’s great surprise
She put in her earphones,
And smiled and sighed
To the music that lived just inside of her mind…

As she sat in the silence of being alone in a crowd,
She thought of her reasoning
In venturing out,

A family reunion
A great reason to fly,

Because family is everything, even up in the skies.

Ya. That pretty much sums it up. 

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