March 18, 2015

A few of my Favourite Things....

As mentioned in my last post, I have a list of my favourite things. 
I like to reflect on what makes me happy whenever I have a bad day.
Sometimes it is nice to reflect on how blessed I am.
However, I am really good at losing things.
So I have to rewrite said list often.
But if I post it on her I won't be able to lose it.
Here we go...

Emmie's Favourite Things
The Gospel
Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
My family
Being called Emmie
Cardston Temple
My Squad
Swimming in the Ocean
Soccer Practice
Drawing, Painting, basically Art
Carriage House Theatre
Musicals and singing along to Showtunes
Beauty and the Beast
Politics class
Attractive men
SVU Green
Throwing Parties
Pippin the Musical
Washington D.C.
First Snowfalls
Hilary Weeks music
Memories of DQ with Dalys
Being barefoot
Cute earrings
Waking up happy
The Young Women's program
Dancing in the Rain
Finales that leave you stuck in your seat, because the ending was so perfect it leaves you breathless.

Of course I have a lot more things that are my favourite than just this short list.
One of the greatest lessons I ever learned is exemplified in this quote:

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. 
Life is about learning to dance in the rain.

I have had trials in my life.
I've had hard times.
I've had my fair share of storms and I know that there are more on the horizon.

But I've gotten through those storms.
And I will get through more.

The best way to do so is to dance in the rain.
To smile through the fog.
To fight against the riptides.
And to be happy in spite of everything telling you that you shouldn't be.

And so I am thankful.
I am grateful.
I am happy.
And I know I am loved.

Scroll back up to the top of my list of favourite things, what are the first two?
That is the reason I am happy. 
That gives me the strength I need to face every day.
Without a loving Heavenly Father and a knowledge of Him, I don't know where I would be now, or who I would be.
But I know that as I am now, I am happy.

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
John 8:12

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