March 4, 2015

Just your average week...

So in countdown, just over 2 1/2 days I will be leaving for FLORIDA to spend Spring Break with my best friends. Obviously I am so excited! However. But. Although. There is a lot to do before Spring Break is here! For some weird reason all the professors think that they can assign all this homework and quizzes and tests to do before all the students leave for a week. Weird right? Fine, I realize the predicament but still.
My today schedule has been a swirling vortex of doom.
4am Alarm goes off, get up
4:15 am Slightly awake, pulling up all my assignments, eating skittles in the hope that sugar wakes me up
4:30 am Editing and making corrections on my Humanities paper
5:30 am Studying for my Humanities test
7 am Make oatmeal for breakfast, work on Politics homework
7:30 am Shower and get dressed
8 am Work on Politics homework
9 am Correct all the weird editing I did on my Humanities paper at 5 am
9:30 am Paper printed off, makeup on face, raincoat grabbed (because of course it is rainy today) and out the door
10 am Humanities Test which I better have rocked, and think I did
11 am Order food for lunch, go to library and finish Politics homework
12 am Totally distracted researching graduate studies at Oxford University (Mom, Dad, if you are reading this we are still like 4 years away from even applying so don't worry)
12:30 pm Realize my Politics homework is due in 45 minutes!
1:15 pm Scramble to finish homework and print it off
1:30 pm Make it to Math class in time
2:45 pm Realize I have no idea what I did in Math today, turn in Politics homework
3 pm Research optimal nap times (NASA says 26 minutes), attempted to nap but I am not napping at a desk in the library. Nope.
3:30 pm Given up trying to nap, now writing this very blogpost. Wow.
3:45 pm Study for Politics final KNOW EVERYTHING
4:30 pm Review maps of the world for Politics Final
5 pm Eat Dinner
5:15 pm Review all my Politics notes one last time
(Truth be told I have no idea how long this test will take, lets say it takes me 2 hrs)
8 pm Paint....... I have a portfolio review tomorrow and two unfinished pieces
10 pm Call Mac and beg for a ride, probably end up walking, and go to bed.

I got this. I totally got this. And I will deal with tomorrow when I get there, right?
Seriously though, college life is great. I spent 6 hrs studying for my politics final yesterday and only made it through a quarter of the material. Luckily I love politics, and I know this and I got this.
Good luck world.
Good luck with midterms, finals, or whatever other stresses you have to deal with.
We got dis....

A bit of library fun with my squad.

And a quote to help all of us make it to spring break!

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