April 14, 2015


Some weeks I just have a lot of inspiration.
To paint, to write, to avoid doing homework.....
So here is my second blog post of the day, fourth of the week and it is only Tuesday!
Dang I am doing good.
But here I am... Sitting... Chilling.... 
Why you may ask yourself? 
Because my best friend Emma B, previously mentioned in an earlier post, is opening her mission call tonight! 
And I am so extremely, unbelievable excited about it!

Besides that, I also went and painted tonight. 
It is so good to be in the studio! 
And there is a set of windows overlooking Main hall, and the sunsets each night.
 It is perfect! 
And I finished one of my paintings tonights. 
Or at least it is finished until I decide I want to change something else. 
Anyways here it is...
Mac says it reminds her of the train in the Hunger Games.
Personally, with the black outlining, it reminds me of the storybook in the show Once Upon A Time.
But maybe that is just me.
With this piece I really wanted an illustrated appearance, something you would see in a book. 
I think I got that in this painting and that makes me so happy. 
Now I just need a title for it. 
And for it to dry.
But anyways, any title suggestions???


And even though this is just a work in progress still, I thought I might as well post it. 
JK this is just Jesus doodles from Institute class. 
What I really wanted to show you is.......

So I have done a lot more on it, but in betweener pictures are awkward. 
This is a beginning picture that looks pretty dang great if I do say so myself.
Which I do.
It is going to be a whole field of lavender, with a white picket fence once completed. 
One thing I love in my art is visual texture. 
My goal is for people to have to try their hardest to restrain themselves from touching it because it looks so there. Maybe I'm too tired and that actually makes no sense, but it clicks in my brain.
I am excited to finish this piece. 
I love this piece.

To finish off this final post I would like to include some beautiful pictures of where I live. 

Virginia is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

On Sunday my friends and I went to Glenn Maury Park and just hung out. 
I went on an adventure. 
Found some deer.
Took some pictures.
It was great.

Well, Emma should be opening her call at any moment now......
So I am signing off for tonight.
Goodnight world!

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