February 19, 2015

Teardrops on the Canvas

Since I am sick today with a pile of homework to do before tomorrow, and an eye-watering amount of essential oils, vix, and body rub layered on in the hopes that it will make me feel better, I thought I should probably be a little productive and write a blog post!

So hello world. 

This past week I was in the studio, working on my latest painting. Now, this latest painting I just gave my inhibitions to the wind and just painted from the soul. 
And it turned out really good. 

So I was touching it up a little, before my class started, when my professor walked in. No big deal, I was excited for him to applaud my painting. 

Not so....

He walks in, sees my painting, and points out the fact the eyes are up too high on the face, and if I had a model then I wouldn't have messed that up.


First of all I hate that I care so much. I held back tears and agreed with him, thanking him for the critique and promising to work on it for next time.

While wanting to scream. 

Being an artist is a lot of practice. A lot of critiques. A lot of opposing opinions. And a lot of frustration. 
However, I understand that. 

Before starting this class my dad, the wonderful art teacher he is, reminded me that I was there to learn. That learning involved being frustrated, and knowing me he told me that if I didn't end up crying this semester over my art then I wasn't putting as much work as I should into this class.
Thank you dad.

I want to be comfortable and stick to what I know, and get better at that. 
However, but, although that's not how it goes, is it?

So I had my first cry about my art. 

And for my next painting you better believe I will get those eyes right, though I am sure I will get something else wrong.

But slowly I will continue to improve.

And looking back over the years I have improved so much, and that is something I am so extremely proud of.

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