February 16, 2015

So this is what it feels like

Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith. Jump outside your comfort zone. And change your life.
That's what I did this past year. As someone who finds it hard to leave her room and her house most days I packed up and moved to Virginia to go to school.
Different country, opposite side of the continent, where I literally knew no one.
Holy Shiz batman.
I guess that's why this video hit me so hard. Because on a smaller scale I relate to this.
(Gist of the video. Girl who suffers from anxiety disorder and depression sings on Americas Got Talent and KILLS IT)
I fight every day to get up, to be social, to choke down my fears and be brave. Every decision I am choking down a panic attack, and that's not even the big stuff, that's whether I can spend $5 to buy lipstick at the drug store. The big decisions leave me paralyzed for weeks.
So to see her bravery and her success, it made me bawl my eyes out, but it also gave me courage.
I applaud for putting herself in such a nerve-wracking situation.
And I applaud her for enduring the panic attacks it surely must have taken to get her to that point.
Watching this my anxiety got so bad, feeling her fear.
But I am proud of who I am.
Of those out there raising awareness.
And of those brave enough to face the world and say this is who I am.
Right here, this is who I am.
This is my small step of bravery.

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