October 4, 2015

Outside My Comfort Zone

This age I'm at now is the age where the most important decisions of my life are being made.
Right here.
Right now.
That is intimidating to think about. 

The church leaders have said this before but my most poignant memory of this was in 2014 when Elder Jeffrey R. Holland came and spoke to the youth in Southern Alberta.
He told us the ten years of like 14-24 were where our most crucial decisions would be made and the course of our lives would more or less be set...

No big deal or anything. 

Well right now I am smack-dab in the middle of that.

19 years old.

Old enough to be on a mission.
Old enough to have married friends. 
Old enough to have declared a major (Politics) and be applying for internships. 
Old enough to be living and working in Virginia. 
Old enough to be over a group of 30 girls ensuring their safety and security.
Old enough to be booking hotel rooms and meals for my soccer team.
Old enough to be doing a pretty good impression of an adult. 
Old enough to have said goodbye to my comfort zone for probably forever, with the understanding that who God wants me to be and knows I can be is not the girl who could read all day long in her room. 

God has a great vision for who I can be.

Somedays I get glimpses of the woman.
A woman who is strong and brave.
A woman who is compassionate and loving.
A woman who keeps her covenants and is forever progressing. 
A woman who will do whatever God asks of her, and is led far from her home and far from her plan of how her life should go. 
A woman who's goal is celestial. 

So what is, right now, the greatest lesson I am learning?

God likes me outside my comfort zone. 
That is it. Right there. A 7 word sentence. 
One that grips my heart and fills me with anxiety.

And yet has taught me the greatest lessons and filled me with the greatest peace.

He LOVES when I'm outside my comfort zone because that is when I grow.
 I have done so much growing in the past few months, and have been pushed into situations and responsibilities that I have not asked for, but are what God would have me do.
 And I have learned so much. 
I know that through this I am becoming the person God wants me to be. 

Another super important lesson I am learning?

The gospel isn't easy.
Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is not easy. 
It is progression.
It is about rejecting the natural man. 
It is about the spirit training the physical body to be in harmony with eternal principles.
It is about a higher law.
A path that is strait and narrow.

I love the Lord.
And I love this gospel.
And I love the person I am becoming.

Because she is someone who will move mountains. 
She is someone with unlimited potential.
Because she is someone who will do whatever the Lord requires. 
(With minimal resistance and complaining I am sure)

And she is me.

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