January 10, 2016

School Sick?

Have you ever been homesick for a place that isn't your home?

I need to preface this post by clarifying something.
I love being at home.

I absolutely adore being with my family right now. 
I miss them when I'm gone.
And it is so good coming home from work and seeing them every day.

I am so happy to be working right now.
Both of my jobs are a blessing.
Working at DQ is familar and comfortable.
I know what I'm doing and I'm good at it. 

And my other job. 

Honestly, God answers prayers.
I told Heavenly Father I needed another job to earn enough for my mission.
I needed to not be making minimum wage.
I needed something slower than Dairy Queen.
I wanted it to be somewhere where I could help people more.
And the perfect job ended up falling into my lap.
I work with a 4 year old boy as a respite worker.
And I love it.

I also feel this sense of complete peace at being home. 

I don't want to be at SVU right now.
I don't want to be taking classes.
And as much as I love being an RA and DSO.
And as much as I love all of my friends.
And the campus.
And the warm weather.
I know I need to be home right now and that is so good.

But I still miss SVU.

The past few days have been hard as I've watched people return to school.

So here is a list of what I miss:

I miss Squad.

Squad is my lifelong best friends.

Believe me when I say they've seen me at my worst.

But they've also seen me at my best. 

And though our numbers keep receding as semesters go on.

(Sad picture without me)

I know we will always be there for each other.

I miss the RA's.

I loved being a Resident Advisor.

These crazy people mean so much to me. 

And shoutout to Reva and Cody-the best HRA's ever.

I miss soccer.


I miss Coaching Staff.

I miss Coaching Staff adventures.

I miss Coach.

I miss Facetiming home.
Not that really being with them isn't better but I still miss it.

I miss all of the SVU Student Activities.

And Institute Activities.

And even the dances.

I miss Sheetz Runs with friends. 

Because Sheetz is more than a gas station.

It's a lifestyle.

I miss my friends.

And our RA chats that turned into life chats.

I miss my room.

I just miss SVU ok?

And I promise I'll come back ;)
But until then follow me on my new blog